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With feeding, nearly every breeder is different. Find out what your breeder is feeding and follow that to start with. then you can slowly change your goats onto what you want to feed.

Our goats feeding is kept as simple as possible. Our bucks are fed free choice cow pea hay, they have their loose mineral and mineral block available free choice as well as  1 - 2 of the pink Himalayan salt blocks. Our bucks get a small amount of grain. This is 1 cup of lucerne chaff mixed with 1 cup of our grain mix (below) once a day.

Our does that are not feeding babies get a similar feed to the bucks. some does may get 1 and a half or 2 cups of grain instead on 1 cup. Our does feeding babies or being milked get more grain. they get 2 cup lucerne chaff, 1 cup speedibeet and 2-3 cups grain split over 2 feeds. If milking takes longer than it takes them to finish eating we give out more lucerne in a pellet form.

Our does also always have access so cow pea hay, minerals and the Himalayan salt block.

Our Grain Mix:

We make up a large amount of grain and then just scoop from that but you can figure out the amounts for a smaller amount off of this guide.

4 scoops rolled barley

2 scoops whole oats

1/2 scoop black oil sunflower seeds

1 scoop Prydes Easi Prep Concentrate (more of this is added to the milkers ration or the kids grain)

Our babies are fed all together with about 4 cups of grain and 4 cups of chaff being pt out between 6 kids. They are fed twice a day. At night when separate from mom and in the morning before being let out with their moms again

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